Talents2Work has more than 15 years of experience searching and selecting specialists, particularly within the biotech, IT, and engineering sectors.
Talents2Work has collaborations abroad in order to attract international profiles.
Talents2work focuses on value contribution in everyday life on individual and team levels. Even with small steps, significant changes can happen.
A manager in a smaller company can quickly feel alone. Talents2work offers professional one-on-one coaching with people managers.
We often see the best professional skilled employee appointed People Manager. That is usually an excellent decision for the smaller company, but it can also lead to other organizational challenges. Talents2work can support Managers with individual coaching and the development of their leadership.
A well-prepared and carefully thought out onboarding program is requisite for achieving high performance, high efficiency, and a motivated employee that contributes both in the short and long term.
Saying goodbye correctly is just as important as welcoming new employees regarding the working environment, culture, and branding.
Talents2Work supports dismissals regarding planning, execution, and follow-up in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
Talents2Work collaborates with Employment Care A/S offering online outplacement solutions for all employees.
Is being on top of all employee administration, salaries, GDPR, and new employee acts challenging?
As a smaller company, it is easy to be overtaken inside by administrative processes - especially within human resources.
Talents2work allows you to do what you best - and leave the rest to us.